After we moved to Omaha in the mid-1980s, my family landed in the Miller Park neighborhood. Relying on social services, we gravitated towards Pearl Church. Their in-house nonprofit was called United Ministries of NorthEast Omaha, or UMNEO. Along with that, Omaha’s Habitat for Humanity office was housed there, and there were activist members of the congregation determined to live their faith in action. I spent years growing up there, and I want to share the history of this once-beautiful place that rests so well within my heart. This is the history of Pearl Memorial United Methodist Church in North Omaha.

Founding a Church

Lane Drug Company, 24th and Ames Ave., North Omaha, Nebraska
The congregation that became Pearl Church started in the 1890s by meeting on the second floor above Lane Drug at N. 24th and Ames Ave.

In the 1890s, a group of Methodists began worshiping in the upper room of Lane Drug at the corner of 24th and Ames Avenue.

The First Church

Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, 4757 North 24th Street, North Omaha, Nebraska
The original Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church at N. 24th and Larimore.

Determined to become a permanent fixture in the community, the congregation built their first church in 1905 at North 24th and Larimore. Its first pastor was Reverend George A. Luce. The Methodist church in general admired Luce for his tenacity and determination to grow the congregation, and he did just that. In addition to the building, he rallied members to recruit others into the flock, and expanded education programs while encouraging social activities.

Luce was alternately called “Brother Luce” and “Dr. Luce” as well as Reverend. Rev. Luce was also the largest preliminary benefactor to the congregation, and named the church after his wife’s maiden name, which was Pearl.

New Church

Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church at N. 24th and Ogden Ave is pictured on this 1910s era postcard.

The congregation grew rapidly, but Luce had to retire in 1907. A year later, they commissioned architectural drawings for a new church that was to be built at North 24th and Browne Streets. Even though they chose these plans, the congregation ended up building their new church elsewhere.

By 1916, the new Pearl Memorial M.E. Church was being built at North 24th and Ogden Avenue. Designed by Norman R. Brigham, it reflects the grand American brick church tradition that emerged between the 1880s and 1920s.

For a year between the old church being sold and the new church being completed, the congregation met in a temporary building called the Pearl Memorial Tabernacle. It was a wooden structure at N. 24th and Camden Avenue, and they were there from February 1917 to March 1918.

The congregation officially moved into their new church at 2319 Odgen Avenue on March 1, 1918.

The original building was built atop a massive basement with 25-foot tall ceilings. The rooms below included a full gymnasium with observation decks and locker rooms, as well as a fold-out stage from the southern wall. There were two Sunday School rooms and a nursery in the basement, as well as a “Men’s and Boy’s Club” in the northern end of the church.

On the main floor, the massive sanctuary was framed in exposed oak rafters, beautiful woodwork throughout the nave and around the chancel at the front of the sanctuary, as well as the alter, the oak pews and more. There is a grand choir loft, a four-story bell tower and a choir room, too. The tolling bells were an audible landmark in the life of the Miller Park neighborhood.

There was also a sub-basement with for the furnace and boiler.

New Addition

Pearl Church, 24th and Ogden, North Omaha, Nebraska
The addition to Pearl Memorial United Methodist Church, built in 1928.

By 1928, the congregation expanded beyond the original building’s capacity, so they built a new wing for church education. A four-story rectangular structure, it was built along the east side of the church. It held six classrooms, a large fellowship hall and the pastor’s office. Stairs wound around the whole building, and on the exterior it was tied together with identical brickwork.

By this point, Pearl was an essential fixture in the community. Along with Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church in Kountze Place; St. John’s African Methodist Episcopal; Cleves Memorial Colored Methodist; and Grove Methodist Episcopal, Pearl demonstrated the strong presence of Methodism in North Omaha.


Church, 4757 North 24th Street, North Omaha, Nebraska
The church at 4757 North 24th Street in North Omaha has been home to Pearl Memorial United Methodist Church (1905-1915); the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer (1915-2003); Afresh Anointing Church (2004-2013); Iglesia Roca De Salvacion (2013-present).

Pearl Memorial rapidly became home to social, athletic, cultural and educational activities for families, including children and youth, throughout North Omaha.

The church hosted everything usual and necessary for a neighborhood church, including weddings and funerals, Sunday schools and vacation Bible schools, choirs and Bible studies. For more than 50 years, the congregation was healthy and whole. They supported a full-time minister and his home, as well as a variety of staff doing the work of the church.

Open to the neighborhood throughout the week, the church hosted skate nights and dances in it’s large gymnasium. There were regular basketball and baseball teams that played in church leagues across the city. Their early Boy Scout Troop 29 awarded more than 100 Eagle Scout medals, and their Girl Scout unit was prolific and popular too. Sunday school classes were packed to the rafters, and multiple Sunday services were held for decades to accomodate the burgeoning congregation.

Pearl was important beyond the neighborhood, too. With a full-size gym, it regularly hosted tournaments and special athletic events. The sanctuary was busy, too, hosting special services, religious performances including singers, choirs, guest preachers and musicians of all sorts. The organ in the church was the best quality, and people loved the feeling of the soaring ceiling.

However, there was an omninous reality on the horizon.

White Flight

The Miller Park neighborhood finished filling in with houses after World War II. Soldiers returning from the war moved into duplexes, large houses and other homes throughout the neighborhood. By the 1960s, though, that trend wasn’t just ending – it was reversing.

White people in Omaha don’t want to live by African Americans. By the 1960s, they’d been fed hype by the city’s media for at least 50 years about Blacks being violent, unfriendly, or otherwise unacceptable neighbors. North Omaha had suffered the scourge of this racism since the 1919 lynching of Will Brown, when bankers, real estate agents, insurance brokers and house owners first colluded to ensure African Americans didn’t move out of the Near North Side neighborhood. However, when the privelege of white people to segregate by skin color was taken away by the Civil Rights Act, Blacks began moving northwards and westwards into better housing. This led to white flight.

White people wanted so badly to stay away from living by Blacks that they simply packed up their entire houses and moved in droves away from the neighborhoods they or their parents had developed just a generation earlier. First they moved from the area between Lake and Cuming from N. 14th to N. 30th. Then white people moved out of Kountze Place, and then Saratoga. White flight in the Miller Park neighborhood began in the 1960s.

In the 1970s, the Omaha District saw the problems facing Pearl Church. Enrollment plummeted while west Omaha’s United Methodist congregations were growing, and they knew something had to happen. In the meantime, the tiny congregation in East Omaha called Asbury was seen as failing, too. It was originally founded in 1916 by a Methodist deaconness who hustled to establish the congregation. She earned enough support for a building to get built and have a minister assigned. However, in the 1970s the population there couldn’t support a minister, so the District’s superintendent merged Pearl and Asbury as a single parish with one minister. They remained so until the congregation folded.

By the 1980s, most young white families were entirely gone and many of the older residents were moving too. Pearl Church was regarded as one of the last gathering places for these old-timers, and when they moved on…

MY Pearl Church

Pearl UMC 1942 Scrap Drive
A scrap metal drive led by the Pearl Church men’s club during World War II shows men collecting along N. 24th Street. Notice the streetcar tracks in the foreground. The collection site was on 24th just north of Fort Street.

In the meantime, families like mine needed help. We’d moved to the Miller Park neighborhood because it was affordable, and my mom wanted to live where there were sidewalks, streetlights and neighbors. With dire circumstances behind us, Pearl Church provided us a food pantry, activities for us kids, and a place to meet neighbors. It turned out to be more important than all that, too.

From the 1970s through the 1990s the church hosted a variety of sports for youth in the local community, as well. In the 1980s the church renovated a kitchen in the basement to become a commercial-style cooking area that was designed to provide training to local job-seekers. Sunday school drew neighborhood kids, as well as commuters from western neighborhoods who were coming back to worship where they were raised. Summer Bible camps filled the buildings on some days, while a variety of programming by UMNEO did the same. I started attending Pearl in earnest in 1989, joining the youth group, talking in front of the congregation and attending church leadership meetings when allowed. I even asked to become a trustee, but was denied the opportunity. David Porter, Margaret Gilmore, Rev. Steve Eldred and others guided me deftly in those early years, and I followed easily.

My mom, then known by her married name as Charlette Sasse, began working at UMNEO as a VISTA volunteer in 1990. She established after school and summer programs for neighborhood kids, including her popular program called Jacob’s Ladder. Opening the doors to the gym and sharing cookies and safe space, she became appreciated by the neighborhood kids. David Porter was the executive director of UMNEO then, and to me he always seemed to be on the verge of saving the world.

In the late 1980s, David brought Idu Maduli to lead a drama program in North Omaha called “You’re the Star!” Inviting me to join him as a teacher, I was hired for three summers to join him going around the community teaching kids in a few different settings about drama, and then supporting them as they put on plays of African parables.

I became very active at Pearl and beyond through the United Methodist Church’s leadership opportunities for youth. Singing in the youth choir, I helped teach Sunday school, preached my first sermon at Pearl, and enjoyed the operation of the church. Then, I was invited to help create a district newsletter for youth, and sent to attend state, regional and national U.M.C. youth activities as a youth representative. During these years, it was the old-timers at Pearl that told me the former glories of the Miller Park and Saratoga neighborhoods, and I soaked their stories up like a sponge.

Troop 508

Adam Sasse, Troop 508 picture 1993
Adam Sasse, Troop 508 picture in 1993

Around 1988, my dad founded a new Boy Scout troop at Pearl Church for my brother and I to join. Troop 508 turned out to be a major influence in my life, as my buddies and I took over the neighborhood, became masterful outdoorsmen and made a lot of memories we treasure still more than 20 years later. First, it was my Dad and John Stokke who brought in Ian and Shawn, then Joe and Tracy and Marlin and I.

After a while, Bill Bolte and Jerry Bostwick and Chuck Livengood led our troop and I made friends with Jimmy and Matt. Nick and Jaimie and Ernesto and Chris Melchor all hung in there for a while, and we all had great times. The Umoja District was ours, and the rest of the Boy Scouts at Camp Cedars and other places had no idea what to do with us. “Ragtag” wasn’t the right word, but “Bad News Bears” might’ve fit our troop well. We had fun and learned a lot. Charlie Goff, Von Trimble, Sr. and other mentors helped me a lot, and I think my friends liked it, too.

The canvas tents, gigantic plywood “pack kitchens,” and the guy pointing a gun at me so he could play more basketball were all worth it. I’m deeply in debt to my Boy Scout family at Pearl that raised me right.

Growing Up

As life goes, things changed. When I was 17, Rev. Jamie Norwich McLennan came to Pearl. I grew up a lot in those next few years, earning my Eagle Scout award at Pearl and graduating from North High in 1993. That fall, I went to Nebraska Wesleyan intending to become a Methodist minister. The idea of having a captive audience for a few hours every week appealed to me, as did the good works I’d seen the ministers I saw doing. The outcome of that journey is another story for a different place though.

Those were exhilarating years that set the trajectory of my life’s work since, and I remain forever grateful to Idu, David, Jamie and the rest of my Pearl family.


Basketball at Pearl Church, 2319 Ogden Ave, North Omaha, Nebraska
Youth in a midnight basketball program I staffed at Pearl Church in 1995.

In 1994 and 95, I ran the youth programs my mom started at Pearl and expanded them a bit. My family moved away in 1995 though, and shortly after my programs closed and I moved away, too.

In the last decade of its existence, UMNEO became focused on housing programs to support North Omaha contractors getting business while supporting low-income families while they bought houses. The programs and activities at Pearl apparently dwindled though. The congregation continued dying off, and young people continued not coming back to the church.

In 2000, UMNEO closed its doors and soon after, Habitat for Humanity moved out of the building.

In the 2009, the church changed names from Pearl Memorial to Living Hope United Methodist Church. The Omaha District of the United Methodist Church closed Asbury Church in East Omaha and asked its members to go to the former Trinity U.M.C., now called the TRI-Community U.M.C. The 3 were Trinity, Pearl and Asbury. Although almost all the members from those congregations are now gone from the church, because of a strong minister at the helm, the TRI-Community church continues today.

At Pearl Church, a new African American U.M.C. congregation was attempted. It is called the Living Hope Church, but by 2012 they’d moved out of the former Pearl Church entirely. Today the building is owned by an entirely different denomination called the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Jesus Christ. The denomination is a Hispanic Pentacostal church, and operates hundreds of churches across the U.S.

Living Hope has a new worship center on North 30th Street and continues on.

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10 responses to “A History of Pearl Memorial United Methodist Church in North Omaha”

  1. Hey Adam- loved the article– those were good times!

    1. Hi Vicky! Greetings and hello, and thank you – I’m glad you like it! Any corrections or additions?

  2. Marcie (Morgan) Cowdin Avatar
    Marcie (Morgan) Cowdin

    Excellent article! It brought back a lot of memories. My family moved away to Wisconsin in the mid 80’s, shortly before you began attending. Looking at the pictures of the sanctuary and the gym brought back an awful lot of memories. I’m sorry to hear about Steve. My parents had mentioned not too long ago that he had fallen sick. Mark and Laura and a few others were our own pack for a number of years. My parents were very active at Pearl and both my brothers and I were active for many years in youth group. Camping out at the Phillips cabin is one of my fondest memories of the people I knew so long ago. Thank you so much for sharing this story and giving me a trip down memory lane. I think of Pearl often. That church and the people I grew up knowing were one of a kind.

    1. Hey Marcie, thanks for sharing this! I recently heard that Betty Phillips is doing well, and that’s heartening for me. It seems seasons keep changing though, no matter what… I’m glad Steve took time to teach me, among everyone else whose life he was changing.

  3. Carol (Mills) Adam Avatar
    Carol (Mills) Adam

    I grew up in Pearl Church in the 1960’s, 70’s, & some of the 80’s. Felt like a second home to me. Wonderful friends & family there. Thank you for writing this article and adding the beautiful pictures!

  4. It appears now that Pearl Church had a long standing tradition of providing youth group programs. Least we forget or had heard the story of March 23, 1913 when on that Easter Sunday a tornado came through and killed many people and ravaged many homes and businesses. It was Pearl Church and the youth program that was open on that Easter Sunday that allowed one Clifford L. Daniels, age 16 to survive the tornado since he was at the church with a youth group. Pearl Church definitely saved his life. At home, his father, Clifford P. Daniels,,a postal carrier, mother Luella, and two baby sisters, Louise, age 3, and Vera, age 1 were found dead as their house collapsed upon them.

  5. I have a cookbook from this church with date 1915 wondering if anyone is interested

  6. Laurie Thom Ruby Avatar
    Laurie Thom Ruby

    My father bought the house at 2315 Ogden in 1916. Through two World Wars, Korea, Viet nam, it was our home. In it, he raised two families, plus his sister’s family, and we/he hung on thru all the neighborhood changes until his passing in 1974. Though we were Baptist, if the weather was too bad to drive to our church ( first at 24th and Pinkney, later at 55th and Jaynes), we could always walk to Pearl. I remember the beautiful Rose Window, and MANY MANY games of “captain, may I?” on those incredibly long stairs. Wish I could remember the game we played that required naming a color. Mom sold the house in 1979, when she moved to Des Moines. Know a Thom, Unstad, Doyle, Drake, Anderson, Oglesby, Rodstrom ? You knew the crew!!

  7. Ralph Frederick Krause, Jr. Avatar
    Ralph Frederick Krause, Jr.

    May 31, 2022
    Dear Adam Sasse,

    Thanks for your written memories of Pearl Methodist Church, the history of the Saratoga area, and other parts of North Omaha, which I just recently came across while browsing on the internet. At Pearl Church an image of Jesus surrounded by children of many races, all of whom were accepted as equals, still resides in my memory. My parents lived at 5119 North 23 Street from 1933 to 1964. My father was an electrician at the Union Pacific RR and my mother was a housewife. I was born in 1934, my twin sisters in 1936, and my brother in 1944. My paternal grandfather lived across the alley from us and my Dad’s brother lived on the corner of 23rd and Browne, all of which were destroyed to build the Sorensen Expressway. We attended Pearl Methodist where my sisters, brother, and I attended Sunday School, the MYF, and Sunday Services regularly until each of us left to attend college and develop careers elsewhere. My brother, who recently passed away, earned Eagle Scout, taught basketball at Pearl, and was selected All State football player at North High. All of us graduated from Saratoga Elementary and Omaha North High. Using my bicycle to go to the newspaper station, I delivered the Omaha World Herald during my high school years, 1948 to 1952, one route being up Belvedere Blvd and down Curtis Avenue and the other route along Laurel and Himebaugh.

    My paternal grandfather came to Omaha in 1887 at age 9 from Mescheide Germany with an uncle and his wife who operated the Nebraska Broom Factory at 13th and Chicago. My grandfather graduated from Central High, became an electrician, and worked at the meat-packing plants in South Omaha between 1900 and 1950. He married Missouri Thompson in 1900 and moved to 5112 North 22 Street in 1910 with their two sons, who graduated from Saratoga Elementary and Central High. Her parents had immigrated separately to the USA from Denmark about 1872. Her father operated horse-drawn streetcars from 1872 and then electric streetcars until 1920. The Thompsons lived first at 24th and Izard and later at 29th and Blondo until 1939.

    Having earned an advanced degree in Chemistry I worked 45 years as a Research Chemist at the National Institute of Standards near Washington DC.

    Ralph Krause
    8606 Garfield St., Bethesda, MD

    1. I appreciate your warm, thoughtful memories Ralph. Please share anything else you’d like — I have a few new leads from what you just shared, and I’m always looking for more good info! Thanks again.

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